7:56 p.m. - 2003-06-07

Hi all. The rest of the week contintued rather ty. After all the deaths and personal despair, the lasers decided to remind us who's really in charnge by acting up. So thursday, friday, and this morning were horrible days, but for different reasons.

I am slightly releived to announce, then, that I have been bumped out of the lasers. I don't expect any of you to actually care, but I'm going to a different department next week, working different hours, and I might not be back in lasers. Then again, I might be. We shall see.

So I have some news for you all. Something I have been keeping secret for a while now - I've been accepted as a reviewer for DiaryReviews I was actually accepted last saturday, but being the pessimist I am :) I decided to wait to see if anything fell through before I announced it. I would like to say, right now, that there's always a chance I'll get fired - they could hate all my reviews, for one thing. We'll see.

When they sent the call out for reviwers, at first I thought, no, they'd never take me, my diary is crap. But then I thought, well, I'll submit a review anyway. And sure enough, I got accepted. Well, actually a few people did. ANYWAY, this is a project I'm really excited about and I'm really looking foward to, so GO ME!

My first offical review is posted here if ya'll are interested, but I rather suspect there will be plenty of reviews to read in the future.

In other news, our family's favorite multiplayer game, shrek party was found hopeless scratched. I had it resurfaced, but the game still freezes in certain parts. I fear this is the end of the shrek party game for now.

Becca leaves for Italy on Monday morning, and I'm, well, terrified. I don't want anything to happen to her! I'm going to worry about her until she comes home. I'm also worried because she dosn't like tomatoes to much, and that's like, all of Italian food. I don't know, I worry about her. She's so pretty, what if someone tries to steal her? What if she's killed by some mad gypsie? I worried like this when she went to Russia, too, but she came home then. Well, gosh, it's Italy - she'll have a blast. I can't not want her to go. I just...

Well nothing will happen. She'll be fine. Right. This diary entry is getting to long, so I'm off to go be a bum. later.

Hearing: "Aurora" - Foo Fighers

earlier latest

- - 2004-09-17
quizes - 2004-09-14
- - 2004-09-13
G-mail. - 2004-09-05
what happened - 2004-09-05


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Original design by Lis, but many modifications were done by me. Special thanks to diaryland. All content � Sarah, 2001 - 2003. If you steal my stuff I'll scream.