Ryan Pics
8:12 p.m. - 2004-05-11

So I'm still in love with Ryan. It boggles my mind, because I really did give up on finding someone a year ago. Also, I didn't think someone as fantastic as Ryan could exist, at least not in male form. And he likes me! How different for me, lol!

I bet I'm making you all sick. I know that if I was reading this a year ago, I would be getting sick. "Ugh," I would be thinking, "it's stupid to put so much stock in relationships. They never last." And here I am, totally wrapped up in this guy - but what do I do? I want him! I want him in my life.... I can't let him go, even a little. I'm like a Succubus. ah, well.

Here's his cute face:

and here's the picture I first saw before I met him. He looks silly and cute at the same time - it was what made me respond to him.

Enough of Soppy Sarah.

This is my last week of classes, I have to write two papers by thursday and maybe I'll survive. Actually, I know I will, I somehow always do. How many times have I posted these "Final Week" entries? Lots! Grrr, but the work is never done. I have this other huge paper due next week, a final, and about 6 mini papers due for field. Then, I start summer Classes. Hip, Hip Hoooray!

I have to go do dishes.

Hearing: Capercaillie - "Coisch a'Ruin"

earlier latest

- - 2004-09-17
quizes - 2004-09-14
- - 2004-09-13
G-mail. - 2004-09-05
what happened - 2004-09-05


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