Forgetful Sarah
11:09 p.m. - 2003-10-22

Hate the nail polish I put on today. Will probably change it next time I'm watching TV. Lately I've been doing my nails a lot. It started innocently enough: I bought an eletric nail filer called the salon shaper for 8 bucks. All of a sudden, making my nails round and attractive was increadibly easy. I began shaping my nails often, and I settled into a routine of once a week. But it couldn't stop there, oh no. After many months I bought a bottle of nail polish. and a week later I bought nail polish remover, because a week is too long. But then I put the nail polish on again..... and then I bought another bottle of nail polish... and another... and now I have so many bottles of nail polish and nail care I had to buy a seperate container for it all. And here's the scary part: I now have more bottles of nail polish than I do make up.

Wow, that was a long tangent. Um, in other news....

Dad is having his angioplasty next week. If that's not sucessful, they'll probably do a double bypass surgery later. If they resort to a double bypass, I want to come see him before the operation. Becca was like, for what? to say goodbye? And I'm like, well, what do I need to see him for, really? But I think, I should tell him I love him, I should see him again... I know I can't change anything, but ... Dad would come to see me if I was having heart troubles.

I have finished shopping for the twin's birthdays, a package should arrive home tomorrow. I'm waiting for 3 packages of my own, and they never show up. I remain hopeful, however.

In a bravely stupid move today, I forgot to pick up my laundry from the dryer tonight. It is now locked in the laundry room which won't be opened till tomorrow morning.


I never change.

Hearing: South Side - Moby

earlier latest

- - 2004-09-17
quizes - 2004-09-14
- - 2004-09-13
G-mail. - 2004-09-05
what happened - 2004-09-05


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