Becca's Home!
8:30 p.m. - 2003-06-22

so i had a really nice day yesterday. I sleept all morning, got up and played baldur's gate 2 for a bit, and then we got a phone call... saying... becca would be home in less than a half hour. Which was a suprise, because MOM said she wasn't coming home till tomorrow. Oh, and mom had the only car, and she was gone. I quickly arranged for a ride home for Becca - and then there she was! all happy, all becca, becca all % ! I was sooo glad! I gave her a big hug and explained that we screwed up.

Soon mom came home and took us out to eat, and on the way home we picked up the new Harry Potter (2 copies) I let Becca have first crack at it, but she soon feel asleep reading it, and i gently pried the book from her fingers.

My impression of the new book? It was good enough, although it's gotten increasingly darker. I didn't like the beginning much, but towards the middle or so I thought it got better. I'm not sure, though, I'd like to read it again.

Well, I have 3 reviews to finish. Adieu!

Hearing: "American Pie" - Don McLean

earlier latest

- - 2004-09-17
quizes - 2004-09-14
- - 2004-09-13
G-mail. - 2004-09-05
what happened - 2004-09-05


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