A diagnosis.
11:15 p.m. - 2003-05-16

So I've been, er, remisant about updating my diary.

well, when I say remisant, I guess I mean i just didn't update yesterday.

But that's as well, because it's been an eventful past few days.

Yesterday I went and saw "Matrix Reloaded" with John Byrne. Now, John is an old friend from my past. I met John on a school spring break trip, and that night he set fire to our hotel. [I'm pretty sure it was an accident ;)] Needless to say, he's not someone you'd easily forget.

John is doing very, very well, and I was really glad to see him again. He's got himself a good job, he's in school, he's got all his computers and technology, and he's a happy boy. I'm happy for him!

The Matrix Reloaded was alright by me, but that's probably because, well, I didn't really like the first Matrix, so I didn't come into this movie with any hopes or expectations. The movie was a good action flick, IMAO, although I'm not much of an action lover - so what do I know? I would like to say, however, that the ending to this movie was probably the worst I could immagine.

So today I went to the doctor. If ya'll remember, I've been struggling with my weight, and what could be causing it. (entries written hereand here. Because of confusing information I had heard from her nurse, over the phone, I wasn't expecting my doctor to bring up PCOS. However...

She started talking about my tests, my weight, my physical symptoms like the skin tags and discoloration. Although none of them, when standing alone, are enough for clinical concern, all the symptoms and test results support a diagnosis of PCOS. For example, I did have elevated testosterone, but not enough to warrent correction on it's own. same with insulin, and the cysts.

So my doctor, then, gave me the offical diagnosis. I now have PCOS, a life long endocrine disorder that I can never cure, only treat. It's official now. When the nurse told me the radiologist thought my ovaries were normal, I was totally expecting the doctor to be like, you're just fat, you need to lose some wieght. But instead, the doctor said what I was thinking: I've only had this disease for 4 years, at the most, and these cysts are very tiny and take a long time to grow. No doubt that in another 5 years a scan of the ovaries would show many more cysts and look more like PCOS.

However, that won't happen. I'm not going to get diabetes, I'm not going to get heart disease. Now matter how hard I have to try, I WILL change my diet and lifestyle. It has to happen, or I'll loose... quite a bit.

Hearing: the whine and whirr of my computer

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quizes - 2004-09-14
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what happened - 2004-09-05


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